Dennis Starkey
Hillview Farm
R.R. #4, Durham, Ontario N0G 1R0
Tel: (519) 369-6966
ArticlesWhat are "grassfed" animal products? Most ruminants, including cattle, sheep, goat, bison, are raised on pasture for the first months of their lives. The vast majority of them are then transported to distant feedlots where they are "finished" on a grain-based diet. Typically, the animals are fed a variety of drugs and feed additives to speed their production and to minimize the health problems that come from eating an artificial diet and living in stressful, crowded conditions. This is the type of meat that you find in virtually all grocery stores and restaurants. Read more >> Why grassfed is better than organicby Jo RobinsonOrganic meat is now available at many supermarkets, which is a change for the better. When you see the organic label you know the food is going to be free of pesticide residues, synthetic hormones, genetically modified organisms, and a long list of questionable additives. You also have the satisfaction of knowing that the farms that produced it are less harmful to the environment. Read more >> You are what your animals eatby Jo RobinsonIn my investigation into pasture-based farming, I've stumbled upon an alarming void: few people care about the link between the diet of our livestock and the nutritional content of their products. "Feed animals anything you want," the research suggests, "and it makes no difference to their meat, milk or eggs." Read more >> Confused about fat? Choose grassfed!by Jo RobinsonIn my Grandma's day, there was no such thing as a bad fat. All fat was good simply because it tasted good. My Grandma fried her eggs in bacon grease, added bacon grease to her cakes and pancakes and made her piecrust from lard, and served butter with her homemade bread. My Grandmother was able to thrive on all that saturated fat - but not my Grandfather. He suffered from angina and died from heart failure at a relatively young age. My Grandfather wasn't alone. Population studies from the first half of the 20th century showed that Americans in general had a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease than people from other countries, especially Japan, Italy and Greece. Was all that saturated fat to blame? Read more >> |